
How The Online Body Guard Works

The Online Body Guard© is an online reputation monitoring service that lets you take control of your online reputation…and more! Create A Free Account To get started you will need to create an account.  Your account is free and it only takes a few moments to set up. Get Alerts for Topics That Matter To […]

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September 11th, 2017 / admin / 0 comments

Ways to Silently Improve Your Online Reputation

You may be in a situation that does not allow for you to openly reveal that you are managing or perhaps repairing your online reputation. Examples of these types of situations include being involved in an active lawsuit, a corporate scandal, or personal matter that has gone public. 5 Ways to Silently Improve Your Online […]

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July 17th, 2017 / admin / 0 comments

What’s Your Online Reputation Score?

Scores make things and events easy to understand and classify. For example, in the recent Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons, we learned that the longer the game was played the more and more important the score became. Someone Always Wins and Someone Always Loses This pattern holds true for the […]

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February 13th, 2017 / admin / 0 comments

20 Items To Monitor for Your Corporate Online Reputation

20 Important Items to Monitor for a Corporate Reputation Are your fingers truly on the pulse of your business?  Online reputation management offers a tremendous competitive advantage to for organizations seeking to develop their online marketing strategies, learn more about their competitive landscape, gather key intelligence, and to leverage critical decisions. Add These to Your […]

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January 15th, 2017 / admin / 0 comments

Do This Before You “SEO” for Online Reputation Monitoring

Sometimes, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is required to assist in creating and sustaining a successful online reputation management or online reputation monitoring campaign. For some campaigns, a very important component is the selection of relevant keywords.  To further this need, some keywords may require the inclusion of state names or abbreviations to target winning state-wide, […]

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August 9th, 2016 / admin / 0 comments